Tween Social!
Ages: 8-13
Tween Social strives to be a safe-space where tweens can interact, talk about common interests, and have lively conversation. Join our weekly group to build confidence, social skills, and sharing! This is a live interaction where the topics change weekly, and everyone gets a chance to share. We discuss movies, books, school, video games, your favorite characters, what your favorite game is to play, and more!
The main purpose of this class is to have fun and connect with peers. While I guide the class with structure, the tweens engage in the topics presented and talk about their thoughts and feelings. This also enhances social skills and paves the way for communication growth! Topics rotate weekly and students choose which way they want to go. Some examples are:
What would you do if you were the monarch for a day?
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
What qualities make a good friend?
What pets do you want/have?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Can you play a musical instrument? Do you want to show us?
Everyone gets a chance to talk and share their ideas. This class lasts 30 minutes per week and has limited space. This class is for 8-13 year olds! At the end of each class, there is a show and tell for the last 5-10 minutes! If you would like to bring something and show us, please do!
Class Rules
Be kind and respectful to everyone, even if you disagree
No foul or combative language allowed
Focus on what you have in common and what you love
It's okay to be different and disagree, but please do so respectfully
Let's share turns! Give others a chance to talk
Above all else, HAVE FUN! This is a space where we celebrate our uniqueness and interests together!
$15 charged weekly
Meets 1x per week
Runs week after week
30 minutes per class
Cancel Anytime